Tuesday 29 December 2015

I am a web designer (not)

50% admire 50% disgusted by people who call them selves what they are not, just yet.

Like calling yourself a chef, when you are only a cook or just starting your career in culinary.

I admire their bravery. I get it. We should state and say an I Am statement so out of this world, that we will call it to be our focus, and in time, it will become our reality. But i'm also disgusted by how fast they claim to be who they aspire to be. Why disgusted? Because i believe in the process of things. It's disrespecting the title that needs to be earned with time, sacrifice, hard work, and experience.

I get it, it's the ways of things now. But monetary recession is not getting better (yet) and that means, all these people who are not who they claim to be, will probably lost their job or customers, or be forced to do more than what they are willing to do. 

Ahh 2016. I wonder what will happen then.

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